Creative Christmas Light Photography & Frost In The Garden

creative Christmas light photography and frost in the garden on some leaves

If you’ve followed my blog for a while then you’ll know I love photography. Last night I took some creative photos with the Christmas lights outside then this morning we had frost, which of course meant another good photo opportunity.

multi-coloured creative Christmas light photography, reflecting

I think this might be the earliest we’ve ever put the Christmas lights up, if not ever then certainly since I’ve been in charge of putting them up. Yesterday was the 1st and it might have been cold out but we had lovely blue sky, it wasn’t windy, wasn’t wet (wild achievement for our weather right? Ha!) So I wanted to get them put up while the going was good.

pink and blue, reflective Christmas light photography

I miss the days of being able to loop the lights along the guttering but I know it’s doubtful that in a whole (don’t make me count the number of days) but yes in the (insert number of days here) between now and when the decs come down I can be pretty certain we’ll have at least one windy day in that time which wouldn’t suit the old way of putting the lights up.

green and orange stripes, creative Christmas light photography
creative Christmas light photography, multi-coloured
pink and blue stripes, creative Christmas light photography

Before I move onto the photos of the frost, here’s a photo of what the lights actually look like!

Christmas lights hung along guttering

Then this morning I had to get up before my alarm even went off (my new clock got delivered, I had to chuck my old one out yesterday after finding out the batteries had leaked, eek). I digress… but yes, this morning I was greeted with a lovely pale pink sunrise and a thick covering of frost when I got up.

Which of course got me out in the garden taking photos…

frost on a stem with leaves
frost on leaves
frosty morning, lawn, bare branches, rabbit ornament and a garden tub covered in frost, some leaves
frost on a pink rose

I don’t remember the Scabiosa plants always flowering in December, it’s definitely been milder this autumn compared to some years. Even the fuchsia has still been flowering, other years we’ve normally cut it down ready for next year by now.

Scabiosa flower covered in frost

Frost makes things look even more pretty, don’t you think?





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writer, artist, photographer

Hello! Welcome to my lifestlyle blog. I’m Victoria, a 30-something from Devon in the UK.


